I love the term, "unintended sudden acceleration." I will have to muse on this some more later, but for now, I am (totally) reminded of a dialogue....
JACKOn a long enough time line, thesurvival rate for everyone drops tozero.Two TECHNICIANS lead Jack to the BURNT-OUT SHELL of aWRECKED AUTOMOBILE. Jack sets down his briefcase, opens itand starts to make notes on a CLIPBOARDED FORM.JACKI'm a recall coordinator. My job isto apply the formula. It's a storyproblem.JACKA new car built by my company leavessomewhere traveling at 60 miles perhour. The rear differential locks up.JACKThe car crashes and burns witheveryone trapped inside. Now: do weinitiate a recall?JACKTake the number of vehicles in thefield, (A), and multiply it by theprobable rate of failure, (B), thenmultiply the result by the averageout-of-court settlement, (C). Atimes B times C equals X...CUT TO: INT. AIRPLANE CABIN - MOVING DOWN RUNWAYJack is speaking to the BUSINESSWOMAN next to him.JACKIf X is less than the cost of arecall, we don't do one.BUSISNESS WOMANAre there a lot of these kinds ofaccidents?JACKOh, you wouldn't believe.BUSINESS WOMAN... Which... car company do you workfor?JACKA major one....
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